For more information or to inquire about available volunteer opportunities, please contact hfpfestival@gmail.com.

Sign-up online to volunteer: https://holyfamily.ivolunteer.com/festival_2019

Many hands are needed to make Festival happen each year. Here are some ways you can get involved with Festival:

  • Food Booth Volunteers: Help! Help! Help! Use the online sign-up above.
  • Festival Booth Volunteers Needed! Coordinators needed for some Game Booths - for more information, contact Gary Buck at gbuckphoto@yahoo.com. Must be at least 16 years old.
  • Raffle Ticket Sales: Please see the Home page and Raffle tab for opportunities.
  • Late Night Bakers: On Tuesday, September 11 and Wednesday, September 12, come to the Community Center at 7:00pm to help bake desserts for the Dessert Booth. Contact Maggie Doherty at maggiedoherty@yahoo.com.
  • Clean-Up Sunday: September 16, 5:30pm
Please view the most current parish bulletin for a list of volunteers needed.
Thank you!

HFS Families: Volunteering for festival is a great way to take part in our school and parish community, make new friends and have a great time! Please be reminded that 10 hours of your annual volunteer requirement should be devoted to the Holy Family Festival. This is also a wonderful opportunity for middle school students to achieve student service hours.
Thank you for your support and see you there!